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3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
1 Garage
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
2 Garages
3 Bedrooms
4 Bathrooms
5 Garages
4 Bedrooms
5 Bathrooms
1 Garage
3 Bedrooms
4 Bathrooms
1 Garage
3 Bedrooms
1 Bathroom
2 Garages
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Apricot West Britford Arch
Praesent eget lorem in massa accumsan dapibus nec sed erat. Proin bibendum sed mi quis eleifend. Sed in risus non dui pellentesque lobortis. Vestibulum sit amet nisl dui. Nunc feugiat ipsum ac massa congue, semper vestibulum est tincidunt. Integer ...
125 Area
3 Bedrooms
4 Bathrooms
5 Garages
South Celler Court
Pellentesque sodales aliquam lacus, nec tristique ligula rutrum quis. Vivamus maximus malesuada dignissim. In vitae vulputate odio. Mauris vestibulum magna dui, a vulputate lacus blandit nec. Morbi posuere mi a turpis tempor vulputate. Morbi dapibus volutpat mauris ut tincidunt. ...
160 Area
4 Bedrooms
5 Bathrooms
1 Garage
Ely Parkway
Etiam molestie eu eros vitae blandit. Cras ipsum sem, tincidunt in sapien vel, viverra efficitur ipsum. Maecenas dictum consequat libero in rutrum. Praesent eget lorem in massa accumsan dapibus nec sed erat. Proin bibendum sed mi quis eleifend. Sed ...
250 Area
4 Bedrooms
5 Bathrooms
1 Garage
Demaine Spur South
Nam blandit augue maximus, tincidunt massa in, eleifend erat. Morbi volutpat rhoncus justo, quis lobortis nibh rhoncus sit amet. Duis eleifend laoreet nulla, at dignissim dui. Morbi ut elit gravida, commodo nibh sed, facilisis erat. Nunc sagittis nisi ac ...
180 Area
4 Bedrooms
5 Bathrooms
1 Garage
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Open House Obsessed" is an ode to the ultimate real estate enthusiast: the one who can't pass up snagging a flier from a for-sale sign, who loves price-guessing the latest neighbor hood listing and spends weekends exploring the latest open house. Homevillas.co.uk offers extensive data such as amenities, nearby locations, property search trends, property price index & archives of buildings with over 15,000 images and floor plans.

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